每天一首饰 A Handwork A Day Keep Doctors Away

我身上一直都戴着一件永久的饰品,那就是肩膀上的胎记。 夏天很容易会露出来,有朋友建议我去做个手术消除掉它。

这个项目初始于自己的思维陷入局限和瓶颈的一段时期  。
(当天制作的成果会上传至社交网络,项目为期8个月 2011.11—2012.06 )
This project was started during a period of time that I was limited to my old mindset. To changethat,
I formulated a plan that making a piece of jewelry everyday by everyday-life objects.
It is a continuity research of the relationship between my inner space and the world I live, which beyond a moment of thinking everyday.

Copyright © 2023 Zhewei Hu.All rights reserved.